Why I Volunteer - Maria Pata

1 min read

Maria decided to volunteer with Brain Tumour Research as she was diagnosed with a meningioma in 2010 and underwent surgery to have the tangerine size tumour removed. She feels the charity does a lot for the community and wants to be part of it.

She joined the organisation in February 2016 while juggling business coaching and looking after her two young boys. 

Maria enjoys working with the volunteering team, preparing and sending material for campaigns, such as Wear a Hat Day or Host for Hope. She says: “At this time of the year most people are getting ready for Christmas. So, preparing and sending all the card orders is pretty special as I often feel each card will be filled with many emotions from the sender to the recipient, as everyone has a story to tell and a reason to contribute to this charity.”

Volunteering with Brain Tumour Research and hearing other peoples’ stories makes her feel very lucky. She hopes that her involvement can be ‘a little grain of sand’ in making a difference for other brain tumour patients. Being able to offer her help is very important for Maria. She explains: “the vibe in the office can be very exhilarating as campaigns approach and the thought of every penny counts towards the cure for this terrible disease is always in the front of my mind”.

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