Why I Volunteer - Lorraine White

1 min read
Lorraine decided to volunteer for Brain Tumour Research after finding out about the charity during her frequent visits to John Radcliffe Hospital with her granddaughter Shannon. 

Shannon was diagnosed with a craniopharyngioma brain tumour when she was nine years old, 11 years ago. After seeing her granddaughter undergoing six operations and various treatments that left her blind, Lorraine is motivated to help Brain Tumour Research and raise awareness.

She sees brain tumours almost like a hidden illness. Lorraine explains: "If Shannon hadn’t had a brain tumour, we wouldn’t have known about this type of cancer or the charity’s efforts to fund vital research. Sadly, it is often only if you have a connection to the disease that you start to pay a close attention and strive to find more information."
Volunteering with Brain Tumour Research for five years now, Lorraine is an important and well-known member of the team. "I just love going over there! People are so nice," says Lorraine. "It makes me happy to see us making a difference. I’ve been with the charity for a long time and have seen it change and grow. Everyone is so lovely and know me and the family really well."

At the office, Lorraine does anything from filing to sending out t-shirts. She often helps the fundraising team and is a keen fundraiser herself. Lorraine and Shannon, along with Lorraine's daughter Paula, have also taken part in a number of events such as Wear A Hat Day, a Firewalk and the Grand Union Canal Walk. 

At the moment, she is looking forward to celebrating Christmas with Shannon and doing more fundraising challenges to help raise awareness about brain tumours and the lack of funding into research.
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